The stopper color of Streck Cell-Free DNA BCT will change from mottled to tan starting with lot 3333. For additional information, refer to the resources section of this page.

Cell-Free DNA BCT®

For In Vitro Diagnostic Use

Cell-Free DNA BCT is a direct-draw venous whole blood collection device intended for the collection, stabilization and transport of venous whole blood samples for use in conjunction with cell-free DNA next generation sequencing assays that have been cleared or approved for use with samples collected into the Cell-Free DNA BCT device.

Performance characteristics of this device have only been established on the Guardant360® CDx assay and Guardant Shield™ assay.

Cell-Free DNA BCT stabilizes cell-free DNA for up to 7 days. It contains a preservative reagent that reduces the release of contaminating cellular genomic DNA that can occur during sample handling, shipping and processing. The cfDNA and CTCs isolated from stored plasma can be used in next generation sequencing assays that have been cleared or approved for use with samples collected into Cell-Free DNA BCT.

Multiple Cell-Free DNA BCT displayed in rack in a medical lab.

Cold chain free – Transport samples at room temperature

The preanalytical workflow for Cell-Free DNA BCT
DescriptionCatalog Number
6-tube pack (10.0 mL) – 16mm x 100mm230469
100-tube box (10.0 mL) – 16mm x 100mm230470
1000-tube case (10.0 mL) – 16mm x 100mm230471

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With our patented portfolio of stabilization solutions, you can ship and store samples at room temperature, mitigating pre-analytical variation in critical samples, easing handling concerns and allowing for batch processing.

Two Cell-Free DNA BCT tubes in a blue stand in a lab environment.

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