Quality Control
Quality controls are central to success in the clinical lab. Streck utilizes our proprietary cell stabilization technology to create dependable controls with exceptional physical similarity to patient samples. Streck controls evaluate the entire testing process, giving you confidence in the accuracy …
Streck’s patented portfolio of stabilization solutions enables scientists to mitigate and limit pre-analytical variation in critical samples, ease handling concerns and allow for room temperature storage, cold-chain free shipping and batch processing. Our direct draw blood collection tubes and preservation products …
Streck’s antibiotic resistance monitoring and detection (ARM-D) kits can be used as a part of a hospital’s surveillance program and by identifying – in just a few hours – which Gram-negative resistant bacterial strains are present in the facility. Streck’s real-time PCR instrument and hot-start …
Streck provides the laboratory with a comprehensive sed-rate line that includes accurate, reliable and user-friendly analyzers for erythrocyte sedimentation rate testing in EDTA tubes without consuming the patient sample. The Streck sed-rate line also includes accurate and …
Flow Cytometry
Based on Streck’s proprietary cell-stabilization technology, we offer a comprehensive line of positive procedural controls and cellular stabilization products for immunophenotyping by flow cytometry. Our unique quality controls provide assay values for both normal and abnormal …
Sickle Cell
Clinical laboratories are required to establish quality control programs for automated, semiautomated and manual procedures used for in vitro diagnostic testing of whole blood specimens. Streck’s sickle cell control is composed of stabilized human red blood cells in a preservative and is designed …
Accessories & Services
Streck manufactures quality control devices providing accurate, safe and reliable monitoring of laboratory pipets and temperatures. Pipet Verification Service allows the laboratory to verify automatic pipets and dilutors without purchasing equipment or interrupting pipet use …
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How can wastewater predict the future?