Streck® Viral Extraction Kit

The Streck Viral Extraction Kit, powered by Ceres Nanotrap® technology, is an efficient way to extract viral RNA from laboratory samples. Once isolated, the viral RNA can be used for qPCR, ddPCR and NGS analysis.

The power of high-affinity Nanotrap Microbiome Particles

Streck Viral Extraction Kits come with all necessary reagents ready to use in manual extractions with common magnetic sample racks or with automated high-throughput extraction instrumentation. Nanotrap particles attract and sequester whole viruses from samples, increasing the amount of viral RNA that can be extracted from your samples and improving test performance.

Streck Viral Extraction Kit workflow


  • Ceres Nanotrap technology enhance viral extraction
  • 96-sample configuration for automated protocol
  • No additional chemicals required throughout workflow
  • Ready-to-use buffers (no reconstitution necessary)


DescriptionCatalog Number
Streck Viral Extraction Kit (96 Reactions)250074


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With full-process controls and antibiotic resistance kits, Streck has the products to help you streamline your molecular diagnostics testing, aid antibiotic stewardship and ensure positive patient outcomes.

Streck ARM-D Kits

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